Monday, May 21, 2012

Intermittent Fasting For a Lean Hollywood Body!

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So you want to lose body fat right? Of course you do, most of us wouldn't mind dropping some of that unsightly muscle-masking blubber. Being lean is a top priority if a Hollywood Body is your goal - and I'm sure it is, because you're sitting there reading my site.

Intermittent Fasting For a Lean Hollywood Body!

Most of you are aware of the following, but let's reiterate:

"In order to lose weight, you must originate a calorie deficit (burn more calories than you consume). This is a true statement.

The problem lies in the discipline or methods used to do so. Sure, you can count calories 7 days a week, eat every three hours, and drive yourself somewhat crazy. Or you can simplify the process and relax a bit, still knowing you're bound to drop fat. Sound good? Enter: Intermittent Fasting.

A Simpler approach To effective Fat Loss

You may have heard of intermittent fasting (If) because as of late, it's become a fairly popular weight loss technique and for good reason. Fitness specialist Brad Pilon is probably the most innovative when it comes to the subject. Check out his blog for more info on the matter than you're likely to read all at once, but it will lay out the science and logistics behind If to a far best degree than I could relate. He is the go-to guy for If! His eBook is one of the best purchases I have ever made. It's not your typical eBook - this information could be what takes you to the next level of fitness!

Intermittent fasting is exactly what it sounds like: sporadic periods of no food. For our purposes, we are not talking about lengthy fasts either. I advise going in any place from 14-24 hours, and a maximum of 36 hours, but 36 is pushing the limits and not necessary. However, you can select to do so without encountering the negative benefits. Whatever beyond the 36 hour mark and you begin to risk the things you're probably worried that a 6 hour fast will create.

On that note, what about all the fitness sites that are telling us that we have to eat every 2-3 hours? Their claim is that by skipping meals or waiting too long in the middle of meals, your body will go into starvation mode and your metabolism will come to a screeching halt. This, my friends, is simply not true, and If is not unhealthy. Far from it. The 6 small meals a day approach is currently very popular among the fitness community. But where did this all start? Is there verily a solid foundation backing this theory, or is it just word of mouth and then the general consensus assumes it to be true? Fitness Blackbook has a short post with some good points that quiz, the veracity of this theory.

This isn't to say that it's a bad approach to weight loss. It can work, but remember, the bottom line is that whether you eat one meal or ten meals a day, if a calorie deficit is not created, you will not lose weight. Personally, I can put down food! No really, I can eat like a horse. So eating six meals a day could verily add up to a very large number in the calorie department. If your daily caloric goal is 1800, six meals a day would be 300 calories a meal. So this formula requires a great deal of measure control and discipline. Sometimes, you just want to eat with somewhat reckless abandon, so to speak. If makes this possible, while still creating a calorie deficit.

If Muscle Gain Is Your Goal, I advise The More Meals A Day Approach

If you need to pack on mass, and some of you do, getting doses of protein many times a day is an effective way to go. This is from personal experience as well as factual information. I will gain muscular size faster when I eat 5-6 times a day with protein at every feeding.

But if you're happy with your size and are aiming for fat loss, both methods will work, and I have truly experienced the quickest fat loss and bottom body fat levels when performing some sort of If.

Methods Of Intermittent Fasting

Eat Stop Eat
Brad Pilon's tried and true formula of fasting allows you to "Stop Dieting and Start Living." Depending on your goals, the main principle is to do 1 or 2 24-hour fasts per week. It may sound like Hell, but it's verily easy once your body adapts. Say you eat evening meal at 7pm on Thursday - you would then fast until 7pm on Friday. Water, tea, and coffee (black) are allowed. After the fast is over, you resume your general eating habits as if the fast never happened. You do not go to the McDonald's drive-through and order 10 things from the dollar menu, unless you want to ruin your hard work. Detoxification is an added bonus to this, but the main goal is creating a caloric deficit over time. Think about it. Hypothetically, say you normally eat 2000 calories a day, every day. That adds up to 14000 calories per week. If you fast 2 days, that would cut your caloric total by 4000, which is over a pound of fat, and more weight on the scale (a pound of fat is equal to 3500 calories). So in a week, you've leaned down over a pound of fat by simply eating normally 5 days of the week, and fasting the other 2. No need to worry about creating a deficit every day, just sound discipline for two days. Even one day of fasting using this approach will composition into good results over time.

Eating Window
Not the valid name, but it makes sense to me. I used this approach last summer and got down to sub 5% body fat. It's my popular way formula of If. Basically, you will eat in the middle of safe bet hours, and not eat while other hours. For me last year, I would eat my first meal at 1pm, so morning meal was 2 cups of black coffee and that's it. Coffee verily suppresses my appetite and obviously the caffeine helps in regards to having energy. So development it to 1pm was no sweat. In fact, I would perform a morning workout nearby 10am, fasted, and without food after for a few hours. And no, I did not lose muscle. I will touch up on this in a moment. I would eat meals in the middle of 1pm and nearby 11pm. That's 9 hours where eating is an option, and 14 where it's not. I did not monitor calories while on this style of eating, I simply ate wholesome Paleo food until full, and ate again when hungry, inside the parameters of the diet. Honestly, I've never dropped body fat so quickly and verily as when using this method.

Working Out While Fasting?
So am I mentioned above, while on the 14 hour a day fast approach, I would concentrate a morning workout into the fast. Was I a slug in the gym? No - in fact, I had more energy than when fed, and had some of my best workouts while fasted. The body will use it's "fight or flight" internal tactic to signal the body to heighten the senses and become focused like a laser. It's crazy, but it verily does happen. My drive in lifts increased, and my best CrossFit times were achieved when in a fasted state. One day I remember thinking, "Wow, if I am this pumped while fasted, dream what some pre-workout carbs will do!" I ate a big bowl of oatmeal, went to the gym, and had an verily horrendous workout! My body was so used to working hard fasted, that it basically rejected the food as far as energy levels were concerned.

Will you lose muscle by not eating protein right after your workout? No. Again, my drive improved and I dropped body fat like no one's business. My measurements stayed nearby the same, save my waist, which trimmed down to 29", lower on some days. I had the V-Shaped torso to a greater degree than ever, and most of all I felt great! I want to tell you about these personal experiences so you can put your mind at ease when these concerns come about in your head. I worried the same things, but soon discovered the beauty of If.

Drawbacks Of Intermittent Fasting
Honestly, I am yet to be displeased with Whatever about If. I don't think it's the best way to go if you're after big muscle gains, but that's normally not of my concerns. If I do feel like adding some muscle, I will fall out of If and use the "more meals a day" approach. But for fat loss, I think If is the way to go, in terms of effectiveness and simplicity. Is it for you? I'm not sure. Try it out and see if it's something you can concentrate into your fitness goals. Chances are, it'll take some time getting used to, as all new things are, but after a concentrate weeks pass, your body should be primed and accept the view of If, whichever formula of it you choose, with open arms.

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