Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Caveman Diet - Foods to Avoid

Paleo Diet Menu :

While the official name is the Paleolithic diet, most people know it as the Caveman Diet and it is swiftly becoming one of the more favorite diet plans in many condition and fitness circles. There is good presuppose why the diet is favorite - it works and it is based on a relatively easy plan. Specifically, it deals with eating foods and vegetables that would be a staple of the cavemen that lived 2.5 million years ago.

The Caveman Diet - Foods to Avoid

Does that mean that the types of food you eat in this diet are tough to find? No, you will ne be required to eat dinosaur meat. You would be eating meats, fruits, and vegetables that are natural and coarse to the natural world. In short, chicken breast and salad would be coarse items in such a diet. However, you would not be adding any ketchup or Caesar salad dressing to the mix. Nor would you be drinking a soda with it and you verily would not be eating a slice of cake. After all, none of these things existed 2.5 million years ago. That is the key to the food you want to avoid on such a diet. You want to stick with foods from the Paleolithic era and stay away from those items that are products of the contemporary era.

And the food of the contemporary era is verily not what you want to deal with because they are loaded with processed items. It is these processed components that are often the villains that pack on the excess fat we all wish we could avoid. As such, anything that would be carefully an "evil construct" of the contemporary era needs to be avoided. This will enhance your ability to drop weight quite significantly. So, what are some of the coarse foods specifically best avoided? Here is a look:

Anything with refined sugar is a real no-no. Refined sugars and their cheap cousins such as corn syrup and high fructose corn syrup are best avoided since they do nothing but pack on fat.

Any type of carbonated or processed beverage is to be avoided when piquant in this diet. And alcohol is strictly forbidden since it is nothing but a condition hazard and a high source of calories.

Organic game meats are highly advised to eat but those meats that have additives and processed ingredients need to be strictly avoided. Again, a coarse theme with this diet is that you perpetually avoid eating anything with processed items in it. These are commonly the source of rapid weight gain which is why they serve no purpose in a condition aware diet.

Grains and dairy products are avoided because they were not used as a food source during the era. Some may find the exclusion of these items piquant since they are not linked with harm to the diet. However, they can pack on weight and cause other problems which are why the Caveman Diet eliminates them from the menu.

The Caveman Diet may seem restrictive in terms of its food choices but it verily isn't. There are many items you can eat. You just need to be mindful of those foods to avoid.

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